BootXchange is a not-for-profit site promoting re-use and recycling of outgrown footwear and clothing.
All our stock is cleaned, photographed and uploaded to our website for you to browse/purchase.
We are not a traditional shop where you can just buy. To keep costs low we expect you to exchange your outgrown, unwanted items to keep us stocked.
Please feel free to browse our site for Football Boots, Astro trainers, normal trainers, clothing, shin pads, gloves and much more.
Once you have chosen you can trade in your own items to reduce the cost, up to 50% of your order. Returning customers must exchange something. (see our exchange list) for details.
So why not try us out today and recycle your pre-loved items for something else? Why not check some of our existing feedback from our customers?
Click here to get started